
5 Surprising Simulation-Optimization

org/). See, for example, the following
. Our models will also have uncertain variables. In the case with continuous decisions, derivative information is often hard to estimate accurately through finite differences, either due to the stochastic noise associated with objective function evaluations, or due to the large expense associated with obtaining function evaluations, or both.

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Though simulated annealing was originally meant for optimizing deterministic functions, the framework has been extended to the case of stochastic simulations (Alkhamis et al. Conventional procedures make use of the Bonferroni inequality which relates probabilities of the occurrence of multiple events with probabilities of each event. Where decision variables represent quantities that we can control or decide – such as how much to invest, or when to schedule call center employees – uncertain variables represent quantities that we cannot control or decide ourselves – such as stock prices, or the frequency of incoming calls to the call center. In this way, the algorithm searches for a large number of neighborhood points in the beginning, but a lower number of points as temperature is reduced.

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In the finite case, where the number of alternatives is small and fixed, the primary goal is to decide how to allocate the simulation runs among the alternatives.  If you read our fall tutorial on conventional optimization, where we discussed linear programming, linear mixed-integer, nonlinear and global optimization problems, you might wonder what type of problem we’ve created here. Much of the progress in stochastic approximation has been cataloged in the proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference over the years (http://informs-sim. There are many more tools available to help formulate models, choose probability distributions or fit them to past data, run multiple, parameterized simulations and optimizations, and much more. Other sophistications such as step-size control, and weighting of candidate solutions are part of modern implementations (Hansen 2011). The feasible region is then partitioned, and sampling is concentrated in regions adjudged to be the most promising by the algorithm from a pre-determined collection of nested sets.

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(2000) contains several position statements of eminent researchers and practitioners in the field of simulation, where the integration of simulation with optimization is discussed. Other approaches involve the my link of covariance induced by, for example, the use of common random numbers to expedite the algorithmic performance over the more conservative Bonferroni approach. Nested partition methods (Shi and Ólafsson 2007) attempt to adaptively sample from the feasible region. find goal is to find a good solution faster than the traditional methods, when they are too slow or fail in solving the problem. Ant colony optimization methods (Dorigo and Stützle 2004; Dorigo and Blum 2005) are heuristic methods that have been used for combinatorial optimization problems.

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However, the parameter update step involves the use of a sequence of implicit probability distributions.   Automated creation of engineering deliverables like process flow diagrams, piping and instrument diagrams, and equipment data sheets greatly simplify the handover between project engineering groups and ultimately to the owner-operator.
Bayesian global optimization These methods seek to build a global response surface, commonly using techniques such as Kriging/Gaussian process regression (Sacks et al. Derivative-free optimization methods are relatively simple and easy, but, like most optimization methods, some care is required in practical implementation (e. All that one possesses are mean values and sample variances obtained from sample paths at different points. 1415
Free TrialAn even more powerful method for simulation analysis, beyond parameterized simulation, is to use simulation optimization to automatically find the best value of one or more variables that we can control.

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Ranking and selection
In traditional ranking and selection, the task is to minimize the number of simulation replications while ensuring a certain probability of correct selection of alternatives. .